
Upgrading to Windows 10 Pro

I setup two computers recently.  One is an older Dell Inspiron 410 from around 2010 or 2011.  The other is a brand-new Lenovo IdeaCentre All-In-One.  For both computers, I did the same thing: Download an ISO from MSDN - see my article for Installing Windows for more...

Perforce backup and recovery

I'm moving into a new office; thus, finding it a good time to refresh the P4 server.  After reading up more on the process, I found that I have an OS upgrade, a P4 upgrade, and a physical move upgrade.  It's seeming more and more like starting fresh is the most...

Removing suggested videos from YouTube

Want to stop suggested videos from appearing after your video is done playing?  Simply add a query string parameter to the end of the video URL, like this: That "rel=0" makes it so that the suggested videos will no...

Not able to export a remote database

New client computer, so I installed the latest MySql Workbench - version 6.3.6.  Turns out that the new version no longer works for me when exporting a remote database.  Here's the error I'm seeing: It works just fine when exporting local databases, though.  And...

Installing Windows

Every couple years, it seems I have a need to install a fresh Windows operating system.  In the past, it's been about refreshing.  The new Windows recovery option helps with that a bit.  However, recently I've purchased a new HP computer and it came installed with a...

Solving the mystery of the missing text widgets

I have a client whose site mysteriously looked messed up one day.  After some digging, it turned out that all of the WordPress text widgets were removed.  Thought that was an odd thing for a human to do, so I suspected that there was a correlation to a plugin or...